What’s On My Mind This Week
I run a small men’s personal growth group, and in the chat, one of our members asked a question:
“I turned 20 a couple of weeks ago. Advice for someone navigating their 20s?”
I thought about it for a few minutes, then shared 8 tips as a reply. Some of them are pretty timeless and useful to anyone looking ahead to new beginnings or seeking personal growth, so I wanted to share them here:
You won’t regret not partying.
Build and maintain a reading habit.
Your vision for the future will likely transform significantly over the next 5-10 years, so hold loosely to your plans and focus more on building skills and developing your character.
You can silence your dreams, goals, passions, and ambitions for a while but they won’t go away. Don’t neglect the things that make you excited for life.
Nobody’s opinions about you today will matter in 10 years. Literally no one. So don’t live to make other people happy. They either like you and love to see you grow and change, or they don’t.
Don’t rush into a long term relationship. You don’t even really know yourself yet.
Don’t compare yourself to others. You’re running in your own lane.
Remember that if you act like a “normal” person, you’ll end up with what most “normal” people have: shitty jobs, horrible habits, toxic relationships, crippling debt, unhealthy addictions, unmanaged insecurities, and heavy regrets.
Yeehamaste, folks 🤠
Quote Of The Week
“First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.”
— Epictetus
What I’m Working On This Week
This week, most of my time has been dedicated to school and client work. As far as the client work goes, I’m hoping to go public with my involvement in a few exciting projects soon.
For today, though, I’m going to dive into some school stuff.
I’m currently taking Metaphysics at the University of Texas at Austin.
It’s enriching. It’s challenging. It’s frustrating. It goes over my head sometimes.
And sometimes I come across an idea that just clicks with how I see the world.
Right now, that idea is hard determinism.
In a nutshell, hard determinism suggests that everything that happens, including every decision we make, is the effect of some cause.
Our choices are natural consequences of who we are — even the changes we make to improve our character and grow as individuals are derived from our characteristics, which we’re born with, and our worldviews, which are sculpted by our experiences.
I can attest that virtually all of my personal growth hasn’t been the result of my own wisdom, but more that I have felt compelled to move towards a version of myself that I hold in my head, and I have blindly stumbled into small bits of knowledge along the way that have opened my eyes, little by little, to more truth.
Some might think this is disempowering, and I would agree that for people who haven’t even set foot on the path of personal growth, it’s much more effective to build an internal locus control.
However, where I’m currently standing in my journey, this perspective gives me a greater appreciation for luck.
I feel lucky to have met the friends that have helped me grow.
I feel lucky to have discovered ancient wisdom that changed my life.
I feel lucky to have been born in the greatest country in the world, in the best time to be alive.
Also, I feel calm.
Because I know that most, and possibly all, of my life is out of my control.
And that gives me peace, because I can finally let go of the steering wheel.
It’s not connected to anything anyway.
What I’m Listening To This Week
I vibed to this playlist of darksynth / chill synthwave for nearly 10 hours this week while writing for my Metaphysics class.
Listen to it. It’s awesome.
Explore My Other Work
Read my cosmic horror story about a dark secret in a forgotten Antarctic ziggurat
Listen to my original indie folk music
Hire Me
I help coaches and educators built 6-figure revenue funnels. If that sounds like something you want for your business, you can hire me as a marketing consultant.
Helpful Links: Official Website | Patreon | YouTube | LinkedIn
“It’s not connected to anything anyway” got me. 🤣 Well done!